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Writer's pictureCatherine Miller

The Golden Dragon and Golden Lion

As I was praying over Cameron about healing, he had a vision. This happened a few days ago. Last night I could not sleep. The Lord gave me specific things to do. One was to post this vision today. In Cameron's own words:

"I had a vision of a golden dragon blasting out of a Chinese Master. Then Jesus blasted liquid gold out of his chest and turned into a golden Lion. The Lion then ate the dragon and the Chinese Master ran away."

I didn't have any problem interpreting this vision as soon as he had it. The fact that the dragon and the Lion are gold says that this vision is about the world's financial systems. Evil efforts to kill the Lion, or America, are going to be supernaturally stopped. From the heart of Jesus, gold will be poured out in the earth: meaning the evil plans will be destructed and the demonic principalities implementing these plans will flee.

"The silver is mine, and the gold is mine, saith the Lord of hosts." Haggai 2:8

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