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Writer's pictureCatherine Miller

Open Door 🚪

I had a vision a few days ago of a BIG, WIDE open door. Our prayers have been answered. Hallelujah! It was to my right and below me. It was dark and seemingly caught me off gaurd. It was not like my open window vision where all of Heaven’s glory was pouring in. Let me emphasize however, THE DOOR WAS BIG AND WIDE AND OPEN. Our prayers were answered.

God has been teaching many in His body about endurance. Recently, I caught some kind of virus that included flu-like symptoms but worst of all a headache. Excuse me, a migraine. I don’t get headaches very often and this one was a real doozy. I took all the medicines, said all the prayers, and was left to endure it. Praise God this morning, my head pain was gone. I spoke these words, “There was nothing I could do but lay there and endure it. I’m so thankful it’s gone.”

And so it was that God spoke to me in that moment. Andrew Towe gave a prophetic word on Elijah List posted at the beginning of August. He said, “You are presently experiencing labor pains of My words being birthed into the physical realm. The pain of transition is tangible. The enemy has attempted to convince you that it's too late, and has 'lured' you to give up. Don't quit! The pain is changing into power. The break is turning into breakthrough. Hold on! You're on the verge of seeing nations move and economies shift. Supernatural turnarounds are taking place, and they will occur rapidly. It won't be long now." Endurance comes with pain but the rewards are more than you can ask, think, or imagine.

Speaking of labor pains that too requires endurance. Truly God is birthing something new in this world, similar to The Flood of Noah, that no one has ever experienced before. We cannot imagine the great outpouring and subsequent refreshing that has already been poured out and is coming to fruition in this nation and in the earth. We should be wise in knowing that just as a woman is in labor, this birthing is not calm and peaceful. It’s messy and requires endurance to experience the pain.

My open door vision as wonderful as it was, it was still dark. It was down and to my right, kind of behind me. It caught me off guard. We have all been praying and waiting and waiting and waiting. The time is NOW for your prayers to come to pass. This morning my two-day headache was gone. In your endurance right here at the messiest time of birthing, know that it won’t last long, in the morning the pain will be gone and you’ll have endured. “And patient endurance will refine our character, and proven character leads us back to hope. And this hope is not a disappointing fantasy, because we can now experience the endless love of God cascading into our hearts through the Holy Spirit who lives in us [Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭4‬-‭5‬ ‭TPT‬‬]!”

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